Managing Multiple Github Accounts From One Machine

Think about this. You have two GitHub accounts, one for personal projects and another one for work. You want to clone repositories from both accounts onto the same machine. How do you manage them without conflict? That’s what I’ll share in this article: my way to configuring a system to handle multiple GitHub accounts. But first, we need to understand the structure and workflow: Setting up the directory structure. Generating SSH keys for both accounts....

July 11, 2023

Tips for iTerm

Here are multiple commands that I commonly use. Split window To split the iTerm window vertically, use the shortcut cmd + d. To split the window horizontally, use cmd + shift + d. Once the window is split, you can switch between the panes using cmd + [ or cmd + ]. Once the window is split, you can use cmd + shift + enter to maximize active pane. Broadcast input Sometimes I need to control multiple consoles simultaneously, such as when managing multiple remote machines, I will use the broadcast input feature....

July 11, 2023

Make GPT Generate and Visualize Mindmap Using Mermaid.js

ChatGPT ( only supports simple Markdown language for formatting. Sometimes, using a mindmap can help us better understand ideas. That’s why I decided to give it a try. 1. Select the mindmap syntax to be used There are several options available on the internet, such as Markmap ( Mermaid.js ( In this case, I’m using Mermaid.js because it supports other types of diagrams, like flowcharts. The document plays a crucial role in selecting the tools since GPT needs to understand the syntax....

June 27, 2023

My Start with ChatGPT

Lately, many new AI tools are popping up, all thanks to ChatGPT gaining popularity. Like most people, I started my journey with ChatGPT. 1. Using ChatGPT to answer tech question I’ve found that I can ask ChatGPT many questions, especially about technical stuff. It can quickly answer small things like syntax issues or even solve tough debugging problems. It’s a lot faster than trying to find answers on blogs or on Stack Overflow....

June 21, 2023

How to Customize React Material Ui (to be continued ..)

I’d like to write this article to document the process of implementing a customized Date Picker using MUI. I will begin by discussing how I perceive this problem. During my research, I also came across others who shared similar ideas, which can be found here: One of the exciting aspects of working with Material-UI in a React project is the ability to customize components according to the specific needs of your application....

June 19, 2023

Tips for Vim

I’m not the kind of person who uses a lot of Vim plugins and turns Vim into my primary programming IDE. Instead, I utilize the “ideavim” plugin within PyCharm, which allows me to use Vim functionality within PyCharm’s editor window. My ultimate goal is to perform all tasks using the keyboard, without relying on the mouse. Around 1-2 years ago, I began transitioning to using Vim inside PyCharm. Initially, I found it challenging to type anything, but now I love how Vim helps me improve my productivity....

May 25, 2023

Try Hugo Functionality

Demo each cool functions / tips

May 24, 2023

Tips for PyCharm

I’m a fan of speeding up everything when typing, and the IDE is one of the applications I use most frequently. Here are some tips to help me code faster: keymap The keymap may differ for each individual, so your shortcuts may be different from mine. You can use the keymap settings to find the corresponding action by keystroke or name: Use cmd + , to open the settings. Use cmd + f to search for “keymap”....

May 24, 2023

Hello to my blog

After conducting several surveys, I have ultimately chosen Hexo as my blogging platform. There is another popular platform called Hugo, which is written in Go and is known for its fast speed. However, I opted for Hexo because it is written in Node.js, and I discovered some beautiful themes on their website. Moreover, I believe that content holds more significance than the underlying technology stack at this point. Although, in the future, I might consider switching to Hugo, which is said to be user-friendly....

May 22, 2023